Meet Jon Skule Storheill - Advisory Board and Board Member

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a “hard core” shipping man with more than 30 years’ experience in the business. Love the business, the internationality and meeting people from all over the world – when not in lock down! I love gadgets and into all kinds of new tech (or am I getting too old…?). I am married with three “children”, like to ski, sail, play golf.

When did you first realize you were interested in the maritime industry?

I don’t remember NOT being interested in the maritime industry! My great grand father was a sailor, my grandfather was in the navy and my father was a ship broker...guess it’s in my blood. 

You have an impressive background from the shipping industry. Tell us a bit about what you’ve been doing during your career. 

Started as a tanker/projects broker at P.F Bassøe for 13 years, worked in Frontline on chartering tankers and capes, projects, sale and purchase before joining Awilco as Man. Dir in 2008. Co-founded Awilco LNG in 2011 and been CEO here since.

What do you think will be your contribution to the company and the team? 

I hope to be able to share some of my knowledge from the commercial and operational side of the business, and that it is relevant(!) which I hope will benefit bringing the company forwards.

What do you think is the key to a successful team?

Of course you need competent people, but maybe even more important is to have people with drive and passion that are able to overcome all the little and big problems challenges any company meets. So competence, agility and drive.

You know the industry, and you know there is a lot of talk about digitalization. How do you think technology can change the business?

I don’t think technology will change the business over night, but I know that the right technology will enable users to do their job better or quicker and maybe even more inspiring that in the past. I started when communication was via telex and remember when the fax machine became household and we thought that was a revolution.

Why do you find Maritime Optima interesting and why do you invest time and money in Maritime Optima?

I believe MO have found a niche that can bring a lot of different tasks together in one simple, intuitive and user-friendly tool that has the potential to become the obvious choice for the maritime industry. And why not beyond?

Anything you want to add?

I think it is truly remarkable to see what and how far the people at Maritime Optima have been able to come during the last two years – through a pandemic where the world has been through multiple lock downs you have built a company, system and team that has already shown its competence. Hopefully the world will be back to normal soon and just imagine what we can do from here on!

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