Meet Sven - Market Analyst

Hi Sven, welcome to Maritime Optima! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Born in Cape Town and raised in Larvik and Athens. Educated in the UK. Settled in Oslo where marriage and children ensued. Children being 2 beautiful daughters.

Tell us a little bit about your background? Your education? What are your interests? What have you been doing before you joined Maritime Optima?

As mentioned education from the UK. Undergraduate at Strathclyde Univ. in Glasgow (BSc Hons in Technology and Business Studies) and later postgraduate at CASS in City of London (MSc in Shipping Trade and Finance). I was employed with the shipbroker Clarksons Platou for more than 20 years in various analytical capacities and also made partner and headed the offshore analysis team. Later headed analysis function with Forum Market Service, focusing on oil and bunker market analysis. As is evident, have had a lifelong passion for shipping/offshore markets and especially understanding and revealing the mysteries driving them.

What will be your responsibilities in Maritime Optima?

Heading and building up MO’s market analysis/data science department.

Why did you find Maritime Optima interesting? 

In terms of product, MO has a unique AIS platform, enabling the production of state of the art shipping/offshore models and analysis. Though AIS has been around for quite some time MO has built a platform where the collection and quality of data is unique. Real time data employed in the right setting will facilitate and simply put, it will allow for better decision making.

What do you think a tech start-up needs to do or have in order to be a successful company?

Vision, capital, trust, structure and flexibility at the same time, high level of problem solving capability and of course a driven and agile staff. Also, add a bit of magic.

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